New Login Credentials Format: (First Initial\Last Name) (EPIC Credentials)
For Burning CD's Settings will be 'Default' (Select 'Start')
If you receive the above ^Error please refer to the following:
Active agent looks green with a checkmark: (System Tray)
Inactive has two forms, A with a slash thru it, and A with black background:
To Restart the Agent Right-Click & 'Start' or 'Login'
You are limited to burning studies from Production PACS only.
(You cannot burn from OTSynapse for example).
Data is always recorded to the root of the optical disc. If you use a rewritable optical disc, any existing content on the disc is deleted as part of the recording process.
Troubleshooting questions:
- Is it just the one computer that cannot burn studies?
- Can you burn other studies from that same computer?
- Are you trying to burn a study from OTSynapse?
- Is the disc free/unwritten?
- Is the disc upside down?
- Did you try a different disc?
- If you are trying to burn a large study, is there enough space on the disc?
- And then try some general basics like reboot the workstation, reinstall PACS agent.
If following the above doesn’t seem to help, my team can help troubleshoot this further. You can engage them by calling Synapse - Service Desk at 503-415-5888.
0 2022 FIJJIFILM Healthcare Americas Corporation